The mission of All Among Us is to deliver care and advocacy to the at-risk and underserved experiencing trauma, poverty, mental illness, and addiction.
With big changes coming on September 1, here is a letter to our community to explain all the changes that will help enhance our mission moving forward. Please click the button to read the letter from Cathryn Shaw, our Founder and Executive Director!
Recently Executive Director Cathryn Shaw visited the homeless of St Louis with Debbie Monterrey and was invited to speak with Carol Daniel of KMOX regarding the Crisis Direct Aid Program of All Among Us. Listen to those conversation here.
"When clinicians are trying to help women to change, grow, and heal from addictions, it is critical that they place women in environments in which they can experience mutual, empathetic, healthy relationships with their counselors and with one another."
Stephanie Covington
Our Aftercare Program exists to provide a bridge between the immediate security of our residency program and an independent, productive life; recipients are perpetually welcome to return to All Among Us for assistance in their individualized recovery program.
People experiencing homelessness in St. Louis need human community, trust, and ongoing wellness supplies. Baseline assistance helps people who are struggling to then make small life changes. Our crisis relief team provides this assistance through weekly visits throughout the St. Louis area. We also offer Crisis Direct Aid for emergent situations, so that those suffering from homelessness can be safe when they need it most, particularly during inclement weather.
The participants of All Among Us have faced many challenges on their path to healing and recovery. They often struggle through complex family dynamics, higher rates of
domestic abuse, and complex trauma. These challenges are physically and psychologically damaging. Tackling the original issues and addressing the developing effects are essential in successful treatment and recovery. All Among Us not only helps our participants, but we also become partners with each individual to champion a full recovery and mitigate the risk of relapse.
Our Founder, Cathryn Shaw, has been a guest on a couple of podcasts recently. Please click below to listen!